On Tuesday, April 8, 2025, officers and representatives from U.S.-flag shipping companies, American maritime labor unions, State Maritime Academies, the US Merchant Marine Academy Alumni Foundation, and related U.S.-flag maritime associations and organizations will travel to Capitol Hill for the thirteenth Maritime Industry Congressional Sail-In. These individuals, representing virtually every segment of America’s maritime industry, will spend the day meeting with Senators, Representatives, and their staffs to discuss the importance of the U.S. flag merchant marine to our Nation’s economic, military, and homeland security. They will remind Members of Congress that as China rapidly expands its domination and control over both the transportation of foreign trade and the world’s ocean shipping supply chain, it is more important than ever that our nation has the U.S.-flag vessels and American merchant mariners necessary to serve as a deterrent to China and to provide the commercial sealift readiness capability needed by the Department of Defense to support American troops deployed overseas.
The maritime industry participants will urge Members of Congress to support and fund existing maritime programs and cosponsor and support far-sighted and comprehensive bipartisan legislation known as the SHIPS Act. This legislation has as its overall objective to increase the number of vessels operating under the U.S.-flag, to increase the share of commercial cargo carried by U.S.-flag vessels, and to increase the number of maritime jobs available to American merchant mariners, all of which are critically important to bolster America’s economy and to strengthen America’s national security.